Monday, 31 October 2016


Awesome Scooter
Don't you think this is a awesome scooter this is what I am getting for my birthday. Would you love to get a present like this?
This is quite expensive but I think it is worth it. Apex scooter are really expensive brand that go up to around $1000 for a scooter. Now that is really not worth it.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Pet Bunnies

Pet Bunnies
I think bunnies are the best pets. They are cute and easy to look after.
They are a good everyday pet but you need to check up on them every six hours. That would be in the morning and after school.

If your bunny gets sick, it could die in twelve hours.  
These bunnies are really cute because they are kissing. Bunnies don’t normally kiss.

I think that the cutest breed of all of the bunnies is the Flemish Giant. When they are babies, their  their  ears flop down. They can get bigger than a child.

As you can see, bunnies are good pets for kids.
By Isaac 27/10/16